King Kong Grip Challenge | International Grip Sport Event
(*GripStrength.com is not affiliated with this event, we just love grip sport and want to help spread the word about a great event!)
This Grip Sport Contest is an international competition with four separate events:
2021 Update - Events & Order:
1. FBBC 2.25” Crusher – 6” Lift
2. FBBC Grab Ball – 6” Lift
3. Otevoima Finnish Ball – 13” Lift
4. IronMind Little Big Horn – 6” Lift
1. Flask Pinch – One Hand - 7.5" Lift (Flask by Barrel Strength Systems)
2. FBBC Crusher - 2.25” - 6" Lift (FBBC Crusher by Fat Bastard Barbell Co)
3. FBBC Grab Ball - 6" Lift (FBBC Grab Ball by Fat Bastard Barbell Co)
4. IronMind Little Big Horn - 6" Lift (Little Big Horn by IronMind)

2021 Update: Worldwide Contest Date for 2021: October 30th, 2021 (See Event Locations Below)
Worldwide Contest Date for 2020: October 24th, 2020
Individual events can be held up to two weeks prior to the main event date, but not after.
Men's: 59kg | 66kg | 74kg | 83kg | 93kg | 105kg | 120kg | 120+kg
Men’s Masters (50+ Yrs): Open
Women’s: 72kg | 84kg | 100kg | 100+kg
Optional Youth Divisions:
Boys: 10 yrs and under
Boys: 11 yrs - 13 yrs
Boys: 14 yrs - 15 yrs
Boys: 16 yrs - 17 yrs
Girls: 10 yrs and under
Girls: 11 yrs - 13 yrs
Girls: 14 yrs - 15 yrs
Girls: 16 yrs - 17 yrs
As in past years, reverse strongman scoring will be used.
Example: With 10 athletes, first place would receive 1 point 10th place would receive 10 points.
After all of the points are added up, the competitor with the lowest score will be the winner.
In the event competitors are tied in overall points, the "count-back" method will be sued to determine the placing. This is giving the position to the person with the most amounts of wins. The competitor with the most first place finishes will win the position. If there is still a tie, 2nd place finishes will be counted, then 3rd, and so on until there is a position winner. If the count-back results in a tie, bodyweight will be used to determine the position winner - lower bodyweight wins.
All competitors are requited to weigh in on a calibrated/certified scale and must do so within two hours of the start of the event.
All weight plates and devices used in the event must also be weighed on a calibrated/certified scale.
The crossbar height will determined by the promoter. Lift heights may vary by event.
All venues required to hold lifts in the same order:
1: Flask Pinch (One-Handed)
2: FBBC 2.25” Crusher
3: FBBC Grab Ball
4: IronMind Little Big Horn
Competitors may switch hands at any time, as preferred.
All competitors are allotted 4 official attempt trips to the platform. At the platform, competitors have 1 minute to make as many attempts as they like. Equipment prep time (chalking or removing chalk) is included in the 1-minute time limit.
With each lift attempt, the weight used must either stay the same or increase with each addition tip to the platform.
Competition apparatus can be used for warm-ups before official attempts have begun and must be declared to the referee as a warmup lift. Once official attempts have begun, the competitor will no longer be allowed warm-up lifts on the competition apparatus. Some promoters may choose to not allow warmups on the competition apparatus. If so, they will ensure there is a suitable warm-up device/station.
Each competitor will be allowed a minimum of 2 minutes between their trips to the platform - maximums times are at the promoter's discretion.
Personal Equipment Specs:
Clothing: Competitors are allowed to wear trousers, shorts, skirt (women - on the lower half only), and t-shirts. Long-sleeved shirts and Sweatshirts are permitted however it must be shown that no illegal-bracing is worn on the elbows and wrists. One-piece lifting suits are permitted. Gloves are not permitted when lifting. All clothing must be free from inappropriate/offensive words and images.
Belts: Rubber, nylon, and leather lifting belts are permitted.
Wrist Wraps: No wrist wraps or bands are permitted.
Elbow Sleeves: Elbow sleeves are allowed if they are non-adjustable.
Knee Sleeves: Knee braces and knee sleeves are permitted.
Wraps/Bandages: Medical tape and bandages may be applied in a way that does not give the lifter an unfair advantage and must have prior approval from the referee.
Chalk: Chalk is the only substance allowed on a competitor's hands. No other substances may be used on the competition apparatuses. Liquid chalk is not allowed. Some substances other than chalk, or a sterile agent, could potentially be used to clean the platform or competition equipment.
Apparatus-Specific Rules: Requirements for a Legal Lift
Flask - One-Hand Pinch: Barrel Strength Systems
- The competitor must lift the apparatus using an Overhand Pinch Grip.
- The asparagus must be lifted high enough for the crossguard to touch the crossbar.
- The competitors lifting hand must be centered on the Flask.

- The competitor is not required to be erect upon completion of the lift.
- There will be no down signal from the referee.
- Competitor must control the apparatus as it is lowered.
- Lift attempts is invalidated if competitor, at any point during the attempt, touches the straight edge of the apparatus.
- The lifter's off-hand can not touch the device at any point during the lift.
- The crossbar will be set to a height of 7.5 inches.
Crusher - 2.25": Fat Bastard Barbell Co
- The apparatus used in the competition must be an authentic 2.25 inch FBBC Crusher.
- Competitor can only grasp the apparatus handle.
- A thumbless grip is not allowed, fingers have to be on one side with the thumb on the opposing side.
- A hook grip is not allowed even if the competitor has a large enough hand to do it.
- The competitors lifting hand must be centered on the Crusher.
- The crusher handle must be lifted with very little tilt so the implement is approximately level.
- The competitor's hand or body cannot come into contact with the FBBC crusher's handle at any point during the lift.
- The asparagus must be lifted high enough for the crossguard to touch the crossbar.
- There will be no down signal from the referee.
- The competitor is not required to be erect upon completion of the lift.
- The lifter's off-hand can not touch the device at any point during the lift.
- Competitor must control the apparatus as it is lowered.
- The crossbar will be set to a height of 6 inches.
Grab Ball - *New: Fat Bastard Barbell Co
- The apparatus used must be an authentic Grab Ball from Fat Bastard Barbell Company.
- The apparatus cannot be painted or modified in any way.
- The Grab Ball must be lifted with very little tilt so the implement is roughly level. The apparatus cannot be tilted intentionally.
- The lifter's off-hand can not touch the device at any point during the lift.
- The competitor's hand or body cannot come into contact with the ball at any point during the lift.
- The competitors fingers have to be on one side of the ball with the thumb on the opposing side.
- Contact is allowed with the face of the flange but no contact is allowed with the edge of the flange.

- Fingers cannot contact the carabiner attachment hole of the apparatus.
- The lifter's off-hand can not touch the device at any point during the lift.
- The asparagus must be lifted high enough for the crossguard to touch the crossbar.
- There will be no down signal from the referee.
- The competitor is not required to be erect upon completion of the lift.
- The lifter's off-hand can not touch the device at any point during the lift.
- Competitor must control the apparatus as it is lowered.
- The crossbar will be set to a height of 6 inches.
Little Big Horn: IronMind
- The apparatus used must be an authentic Little Big Horn from IronMind and must be the current version.
- Apparatus must be attached with a carabiner and must not be directly attached to the loading pin.
- The lifter's off-hand can not touch the apparatus at any point during the lift.
- No part of the competitors hand can grab below the rim of the apparatus.
- The asparagus must be lifted high enough for the crossguard to touch the crossbar.
- There will be no down signal from the referee.
- The competitor is not required to be erect upon completion of the lift.
- The lifter's off-hand can not touch the device at any point during the lift.
- Competitor must control the apparatus as it is lowered.
- The crossbar will be set to a height of 6 inches.
Loading Pins:
- Loading pins should be between 11 inches and 16 inches tall.
- Minimum loading pin diameter is 1.9 inches.
- It is recommended to have a backup loading pin in the event it is needed.
- Any loading pin can be used as long as it meets the above requirements.
- Recommended loading pins:
- Omni Pins and Contest Pins From Fat Bastard Barbell Company
- Loading Pins from Barrel Strength Systems
- Loading Pins from IronMind
- Crossguards must be be rigid enough that they stand out perpendicularly from the weight and loading pin.
- Crossguards must be long enough to extend out past the plates and loading pin to be able to contact the crossbar.
- Crossguards may be adjustable.
- Any crossguard can be used as long as it meets the above requirements.
- Recommended crossguards:
- Crossguard by Fat Bastard Barbell Co.
- Ultra Light Crossguard by FBBC
Uprights and Crossbars:
- Height gauge must be non-rigid for crossguards to touch.
- Uprights can be fashioned from any materials and can be home made.
- Any uprights and crossbars can be used as long as they meet the above requirements.
- Recommended crossbars:
- Competition Crossbar by Barrel Strength Systems
Standing Weights/Blocks:
- If an competitor has difficulty reaching the required lifting height, they are allowed to use weight plates or block to stand on.
2020 Promoters and International Event Locations:
Eric Roussin - Ottawa, Ontario
Brad Provick- Regina, Saskatchew
Nick Carignan - London, Ontario
Jedd Johnson - Wyalusing, Pennsylvania
Andrew Pantke - Sioux City, Iowa
Nick Sanders - Bowling Green, Kentucky
Chad Gustin and Ben Edwards - Lecompton, Kansas
John O'Connor - Kendallville, Indiana
Gil Goodman - Brentwood, Tennessee
Joel Dircks - Woodbury, Minnesota
Mike Saffell - Bethesda, Ohio
Adam Glass - North Texas
Steve Millard - Carbondale, Colorado
Odd Haugen - Newbury Park, California
Mike Wilfong - Pullman, Washington
Thomas Larsen - Arendal
Alexander Andreev - St. Petersburg
Jesse Pynnönen - Heinola
Arto Joronen - Luumäki
Santeri Mikkonen - Kuusamo
Ivan Pupchenko - Sumska
Sirko Petermann and Patsy Luxnor - Austria
Lorna Paton - London
Glenn Hunter - Melbourne
Joe Hodgson - Sydney