Arm Wrestling Ultimate Handle Set with WristMax

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Our Ultimate Arm Wrestling Handle Set has everything you need to train the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in your hand, wrist, and forearm for arm wrestling success.

Maximize Your Hand And Forearm Strength

As a serious arm wrestler, you need strong biceps, triceps, forearms, wrists, and hands. Training your biceps and triceps is easy — dumbbell curls and triceps press downs will do the trick. But to build up the unique strength you need in your forearm, wrist and hand muscles, you’ll need a specialized tool.

Enter the arm wrestling handle.

Just attach a handle to a weight machine, cable machine or loading pin, set your weight level and away you go. A combination of dynamic movements and sustained holds will really work all the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in your hand, wrist, and forearm that you’ll need to dominate the arm wrestling circuit.

Our Ultimate Arm Wrestling Handle Set includes everything you need to tailor your workout to your exact needs. There’s the base handle, a cone grip handle, a 60 mm offset grip for an added challenge, and the truly exceptional WristMax Eccentric Handle, which has been expertly designed to activate more of your muscles and tendons, so every training session gets you closer to your arm wrestling goals faster.

This arm wrestling handle set was specifically designed for arm wrestlers but the workout it gives is also exceptionally well suited to training for other grip sports and rock climbing.

Ultimate Arm Wrestling Handle Set Strengths:

  • Specifically designed for arm wrestling, powerlifting, grip strength sports, and rock climbing, so it’ll train and strengthen all the muscles, tendons, and ligaments you use when competing — it’ll improve your grip, wrist flexion (cupping), pronation and supination, using static grips and dynamic movements.
  • Easy to set up and pack away, so you can fit it seamlessly into your gym workout without interrupting your flow at all, and you can take it back and forth between the gym and home for the perfect arm wrestling workout no matter where you are.
  • Includes three grip attachments for the ultimate arm wrestling workout, so you can really work every single muscle, tendon and ligament you need to win.

Pro Tip:

The WristMax Eccentric Handle attachment has a superior ergonomic design that’ll take your training to the next level. However, everyone’s different, and we know some arm wrestlers prefer the traditional eccentric grip handle. If that’s you, check out our traditional set of arm wrestling handles, which includes grips that are perfectly paired with that traditional eccentric arm wrestling staple.

Alternatively, if you’d like to use the WristMax Eccentric Handle attachment on its own without a base handle, we sell it as a standalone product with a strap, so you can do just that.

So, if you want to dominate the arm wrestling circuit, this Ultimate Arm Wrestling Handle Set will strengthen every muscle, ligament and tendon you need to slam your opponents’ arms to the table.

Good To Know:

  • Package inclusions: 1 base handle, 1 cone grip handle attachment, 1 60mm offset grip handle attachment, and 1 WristMax Eccentric handle attachment.
  • Materials: handle attachments are made from high-density red plastic that is very durable. High-quality, electrostatic coated stainless steel was used for the base handle.
  • WristMax Eccentric sizes: choose from large (L) and extra-large (XL).
  • Grip sizes: the cone grip has an upper diameter of 35 mm and a lower diameter of 70 mm; the offset grip is 60 mm in diameter.
  • Made by Arm Sport in Israel

*The WristMax Eccentric Handle attachment in this set does not come with a strap and can’t be used on its own — it must be used with the base handle included in this set.